MAYA application platform is a framework of services that tackle the issue of animal welfare. Its name actually stands for Manage Adopting Young Animals, and it operates across five principal features:
1. Adopt A Pet:
In this section, the user will be able to search for and/or put animals into adoption. By doing so, users with mutual interests (the well-being of non-human animals) are to join this virtual community and find one another.
2. Like and Love:
This section provides similar features to that of any typical social media platform, including sharing posts for the pets of which they are offering help, reacting, sharing comments, and even direct-messaging.
3. Find Lost Pets:
The following section targets lost pets. It allows the user to share relevant information and pictures of the lost animal so that the other users can help. This is similar to a pet-alert that aims to find lost pets and reunite them with their families.
4. Services and Help:
This section will display the various locations and numbers of the nearest VETS services relevant to each and every using GPS services. Also, in attempts to provide ready-to-share donations for animals in need, we will be working on creating a virtual space that includes donations of trustable users.